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About this site

I love Kids. So i created this site for every kids.

My goal is to put a smile on your lips. you can go any pages and have fun.

A lot of games, pictures, and videos are waiting for you!😍

What are the good things about Kids?

  • They're yours forever!💙
  • They're totally unique.💚
  • They are your best teacher.🧡
  • They are the only individuals who will give you a brutally honest feedback.🤍
  • You will do anything, absolutely anything, for them.🤎
  • Their smile is every thing.✨

About me


Assalamu Alaikum!

I am shugofa Hashimi i live in Afghanistan. I am a high school graduate, but still am a GED online course student. Reading, teaching, traveling are my hobbies. scince I started web development program at (USC-Afghan Pathway 2023) course, coding became my favorate hobby.The situation is not good for afghan girls to learn education. So I teach math and english in my online course for free. My ambition is to become a super developer to teach Web development as well.

My experince

As my first time of coding, I made a lot of mistakes. But never lost my motivation. For practice I did create more than 65 (HTML & CSS) basic projects. Now I can say 'it was amazing!'

It is all okay if you make mistakes. Never stop trying and Never give up!

It will be a pleasure, if you Join my online courses.😊

🌸My education





University:Not yet